Descuentos Hispano Club app for iPhone and iPad
Only registered members can use this app and access these exclusive deals. If you experience any issues, please contact us as noted below.
Members can now enjoy a deal-finding app that delivers big discounts from the brands you know… and at local places you actually want. Whether youre close to home or on the road, simply show the coupon from your mobile device and save up to 50% on dining, shopping and more. You’ll find tons of savings in every big city, and in most small towns in America.
Our deals are negotiated directly with the merchants, which means you get the best offers available. You’ll save hundreds on the things you buy every day.
•No printing! Just show your mobile coupon and save.
•Multiple-use coupons. Save as often as you wish.
•GPS search. Find deals near you—wherever you are.
•Over 150,000 locations... and more being added daily.
•Deals near home, the office, or wherever you travel in the U.S.
For questions, drop us a line at
To start saving, simply download the app, log-in and find big deals at great places near you.
Note: We apologize for any inconvenience but registration codes are not available for the general public at this time. This app is exclusively accessible for a few premier membership organizations and their members. We welcome your comments at